The 2019 Summer Bazaar turned out to be a great day with perfect sunny weather. Lots of people came by to check out the hidden treasures and have lunch. The event raised $1442.80 for Lake Luzerne UMC ministries. Donated items and the bake sale raised $642.80. The annual appearance of the Moby Dick’s Fish Fry […]
Summer Breakfast Breaks Records
Big thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s Summer Breakfast Ministry a huge success! This year the program reached an estimated 125 children each day, 4 days a week for 4 weeks. That’s about 2000 breakfast meals served! Thanks, especially, to our own Deb Fish who coordinates the effort, reaches out to area businesses […]
Vacation Bible School, August 2019
Vacation Bible School will happen the week of August 5 – 9. Daily activities are scheduled from 9 – 11 am. This year’s theme is Finding God in Nature and the lessons and activities are designed and directed by our own Leslie Carpenter (with a lot of help from the Christian education team!) Children of […]
Holy Week Worship Opportunities
Holy Week is upon us and there are several opportunities to worship at First UMC and around our community. On Thursday, March 29th at 6pm the church will be hosting a Maundy Thursday potluck style worship. Bring a dish to share and join in remembering the commandment that Chrsit gave, that we are to love […]
During Lent this year we will be studying the story of Rahab. Discussion groups will be meeting Wednesday evenings at 6pm in South Corinth and Thursday mornings at 10:30 in Lake Luzerne. All are welcome to come out and discuss how one woman’s faithfulness paved the way for us all. Studies begin February 21st in […]
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is on February 14th. The church will be open from 4:45pm to 6:45pm for anyone who would like to receive ashes. All you need to do is show up on Wednesday with an open heart. The ashes symbolize our own mortality and are offered with the words ‘Dust to dust, ash to ash. […]