Until further notice, the Maxfield Community Food Pantry has eliminated Saturday hours. The pantry is still open 5 days a week with volunteers following, and asking clients to follow social distancing procedures. Open hours may be further reduced depending on volunteer availability, as the number of volunteers is down to 1/3 what it was before […]
Food Pantry Is Open
Until further notice, hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 1-4 pm, Tuesdays 6-8 pm, Thursdays 9 am – 1pm, and Saturdays 10am – 1pm The pantry will endeavor to remain open the six days per week. However, there are some restrictions: For the safety of all clients and volunteers, some clients will be served […]
Summer Breakfast Breaks Records
Big thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s Summer Breakfast Ministry a huge success! This year the program reached an estimated 125 children each day, 4 days a week for 4 weeks. That’s about 2000 breakfast meals served! Thanks, especially, to our own Deb Fish who coordinates the effort, reaches out to area businesses […]