Good morning! There is Easter Day, but the Easter season stretches for 7 Sundays, ending with the Day of Pentecost. That makes today the 2nd Sunday of Easter. So, Happy Easter! And welcome to worship. If you have children with you, please download the Sunday School lesson, brought to you again by Miss Leslie! Today, […]
Easter Worship, 2020
Good morning! And Happy Easter! Welcome to worship. If you have children with you, please download the Sunday School lesson, brought to you again by Miss Leslie! Today, its ALL in the video! Thanks to Bev Fowler at South Corinth this week for the music. Enjoy!
A Devotional for Good Friday
Happy Good Friday. This short devotional, recorded at the Queensbury United Methodist Church with the Rev. Brooke Newell, is our shared gift to you today. Be well, and God bless!
Worship for Palm Sunday, 2020
Welcome to Worship! Please, if you have kids with you, grab the Sunday School materials. Thanks, Ms. Leslie, for being our teacher today! Again this week, we want to say thank you to George V. for the addition of the sound-tracks to go with our hymns! Call to Worship One: Children of God, shout […]
Worship for Sunday, March 29, 2020
Welcome to Worship! Please, if you have kids with you, grab the Sunday School materials. Big thanks to George V. for the addition of the sound-tracks to go with our hymns this morning, and for the special anthem recording! Call to Worship One: How are you, Children of God? All: We are afraid. We […]
Monday Devotions (March 23)
Our little choir presented this song in worship a few weeks ago. Here are some folk who got together online to inspire us! Be well today. Be blessed. Keep in touch! – Caspar