An Ecumenical Ministry
The Maxfield Community Food Pantry is a ministry that our church helps run and staff in the community. It has a manager and a board of directors that are made up of representatives from the area churches and those living in our community. The pantry serves the Hadley-Luzerne Central School District, which spans a large area. Families that live in the school district may use the pantry once every thirty days. Currently they must call in and speak with a volunteer who will prepare their food for pick-up.
Free Food Wednesdays are back during the months of April through October, usually twice a month. This is done in the parking lot of the Rockwell Falls Presbyterian Church and is on a first come, first serve basis. Please check with the pantry for this year’s dates.
The Hours of Operation for the Food Pantry Are:
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 1pm – 4pm
Tuesday: 6pm- 8pm
Wednesday: 1pm – 4pm
Thursday: 9am – noon
Friday: 9am – noon
Saturday: Closed
Contact Information for Maxfield Community Food Pantry:
Phone: 518-696-4979
Physical Address: 89 Bay Rd., Lake Luzerne
Mailing Address: PO Box 490, Lake Luzerne, NY 12846
Anyone wishing to make a donation, please contact the pantry when it is open. Also, please be aware that the pantry cannot accept items passed their sell by/ use by/ best by dates.