Welcome to Worship!
Please, take a bulletin and make yourself at home!
Call to Worship
One: What do you see, Children of God?
All: We see trouble, anxiety, and fear are all around.
One: Now, look with Jesus’ eyes, Children of God. What do you see?
All: We see neighbors helping neighbors. We see amazing efforts of many to care for others with limited resources.
You have eyes to see the truth in love.
All: Let us worship God!
*Hymn of Praise
UMH #110 — A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Scripture – John Chapter 9
Sermon: Sing It For Yourself
*Song of Invitation
UMH #133 — Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
Prayers of the People
O God, our Lord and our Savior,
you are our constant fellow-traveler
of our journeys up and down the paths of life.
We cannot help but praise you,
for you are always present when any of us feels painfully alone.
Daily, we face the decisions which our ours alone to make,
and we yearn for a voice to encourage us,
a hand to grasp,
and the assurance of a love that never lets us go.
We often say we love you with all our heart
and mind and soul and strength —
and yet in times like this,
we are prone to brood over things
and try to find our own way out,
even when you are with us to show us the way.
May we, in these times of “social distancing”
draw all the more close to you.
And may our closeness to you inspire us
to reach out to the other lonely souls around us
in whatever ways we can —
to share a phone call,
to write a letter,
to say thank you,
or to let someone know
just how special they have been to us all along.
Help us to share our joys,
to lift each other up in these hours of uncertainty,
and so keep us from living alone,
even when we are by ourselves.
Create among us a connection to you
and to one another.
*Song of Dedication
UMH #364 — Because He Lives
May the God of peace,
Who created you,
Who called you,
Who loves you —
May God now keep you
Forever in the arms of grace
That you may be blessed, and
That you may be a blessing.