Welcome to Worship!
Please, if you have kids with you, grab the Sunday School materials. Thanks, Ms. Leslie, for being our teacher today!
Again this week, we want to say thank you to George V. for the addition of the sound-tracks to go with our hymns!
Call to Worship
One: Children of God, shout out loud today?
All: Why should we shout? What’s all the excitement about?
One: Your king comes to you today, Children of God!
All: Who is this king?
One: It is Jesus of Nazareth! He has come to set us free!
All: Hosanna! Let us worship God!
*Hymn of Praise
UMH #278 โ Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
Scripture – Matthew 21:1-11
Sermon: One Person at at Time
*Song of Invitation
UMH #280 โ All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Prayers of the People
Eternal God,
Whose grace abounds,
No matter where we are and what our circumstances may be,
We turn to you with searching hearts,
And in these quiet days of celebration of Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter,
We yearn for your Spirit of Peace,
Hoping that you will find a larger place within our souls.
We thank you for today,
As we follow you into Jerusalem,
As we watch you do what we could not do for ourselves:
As we travel with you to the cross, the grave, and beyond.
Help us to hear his voice calling us again today.
May we aspire to know more deeply the cost of his love for each of us.
Take us with him into the garden, where our tears
In these painful times may blend with his weeping for us and for our world.
Take us with him to the cross, and then carry us also into the new life
That lies beyond the sadness and pain and loneliness.
May your strength sustain us in the days to come,
May your power preserve us from the perils,
Both visible and invisible,
That lurk outside our doors.
May your comfort bear with those who are sick,
With those who are morning,
With those who are putting on a brave face to do what must be done.
Possess us all and always within your great and steadfast love.
*Song of Dedication
Faith We Sing #2281 โ May You Run and Not Be Weary
May the love of God,
May the grace of Jesus,
May the fellowship of the Spirit —
May these gifts from God bless and keep us all,
And may they watch between us,
Holding us together in the Light,
Until we meet again.